Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton Electable in 2016? Think Again ...

Hillary should be in prison, not running for president in 2016. She will go down in history as a public official who throughout her career survived a myriad of scandals while those around her end up in prison or die. She fired WH travel agency employees in order to install her own menagerie of cronies, and worse, brought false charges against the head of the executive branch travel agency - ruining his life. 

The list of scandals, unethical and unlawful actions is incredibly long dating back to Hillary being fired for 'unethical practice' as part of the law team to pursue impeachment of Richard Nixon. It was unnecessary, on her part, because the evidence was clear against President Nixon, who resigned rather than undergo an impeachment trial - unlike Hillary's despicable husband. Watch the videos and recap her history and what Hillary is all about; acting out what she accuses others of doing, but clearly worse to the point of outright evil. 
CBS recent poll shows Hillary only has 26% favorability, dropped extensively after the revelation of her email scandal. Sadly, her rating should have dropped after her Benghazi fiasco and the State Department losing track of $6 billion. White House Dossier warns to watch out for Elizabeth Warren.

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